Explosives Book
A book containing the crafting recipe for the: Explosive Gunpowder, Explosive Shotgun Ammo, and Explosives Book.
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A book containing the crafting recipe for the: Explosive Gunpowder, Explosive Shotgun Ammo, and Explosives Book.
Last updated
Written by Tribbles with a terrible handwriting. It can be found at the Pirate Event or it can be crafted in the Workbench! It unlocks the crafting recipe for the: Explosive Gunpowder, Explosive Shotgun Ammo and Explosives Book. It permanently unlocks the crafting recipe for the Explosive Shotgun Ammo and Explosives Book. The Explosvies Book can be used up to 25 times to craft Explosive Gunpowder or Explosives Book. After the 25th use, there is a 75% chance the item becomes a Worn Explosives Book.
Uses before worn: 25
Worn chance: 75%
Stackable up to: 1