Iron Spear

An iron tip spear with a with a long attack range. Very durable and has a good damage. Requires advanced materials and structures to be crafted.

Can be made in Workbench. Used to keep the enemies at bay while inflicting high amount of damage. Harvests soft and hard surfaces.

Yields medium amount of resources from the sources. Can only harvest from soft surfaces. Harvest multiplier is as efficient as Stone Hatchet.

It deals 30 damage. Has 4000 durability. Can be repaired in workbench.

Iron Spear

Classification: Weapon, Item

Damage: 30

Damage Multiplier (Players): -44%

Damage Multiplier (Buildings): -50%

Durability: 4000

Attack Distance: 3

Attack Time: 1 second

Harvests: Soft, medium and hard surfaces

Harvest Multiplier: 0.2

Pickup: Yes

Usable: Yes

Tradable: Yes

Craftable: Yes

Last updated