Wooden Spear

A basic tool of survival. Easy to craft, but breaks faster than the other weapons. It's long attack range and decent damage make it a useful early game weapon.

Can be used to keep the enemies at bay while inflicting high amount of damage. It can harvest resources but it's not advisable to do so since its harvest multiplier is lower than the other similar items.

Yields low amount of resources from the sources. Can only harvest from soft surfaces.

It deals 15 damage. Has 1000 durability. Can be repaired in workbench.

Wooden Spear

Classification: Weapon, Item

Damage: 10

Damage Multiplier (Players): -50%

Damage Multiplier (Buildings): -90%

Durability: 1000

Attack Distance: 3

Attack Time: 1 second

Harvests: Soft surfaces

Harvest Multiplier: 0.05

Pickup: Yes

Usable: Yes

Tradable: Yes

Craftable: Yes

Last updated