
A lock, used to prevent the trespassers from breaking into your house.

Snaps to doors, containers, big containers and toolbox.

A lock mechanism for storage structures and doors. Can be assigned a password by its owner. Password must be 3 digits, could be set to between 000-999.

Protected by a toolbox if its placed adjacent to a protected building element.

Locks storage box, large storage, toolbox and door.

Doesn't support or provide any integrity to the structures around it. Decays with 20 units every hour.

Each hit costs 20 durability damage to the attacker's weapon. It has 10000 max durability.


Placeable: Door

Durability: 10000

Protectable: Yes

Protection Cost: 1

Damage Cost: 20

Ownership: Yes

Decay Time: 20

Provides Integrity: No

Last updated